My parents came on Wednesday Nov 26 and left this morning at 9:30. We had some wonderful times together. We went for Chinese food on Wed night.
Friday, my dad pulled out the family recipe for Peppernuts. Peppernuts is a small German cookie that tastes like Gingerbread but kicked up a notch. (Brewed coffee with grinds and all is included in the very stiff batter). Adele had a lot of fun helping Papa make these traditional cookies of our heritage.
Thanks to God for providing food and protecting travelers who spent time with families. We had a very blessed Thanksgiving.
Nana and Papa also brought gifts for Christmas for Adele since we will not be able to spend time with them for Christmas. Adele was thrilled with her new Webkins and the Fairy! Thank you Nana and Papa!
It sure sounds like you had fun! The only thing missing at our feasting was peppernuts!
We had all the family here, except Larry, who had to work! There were 22 of us around the table, and then we had our Christmas on Sat. Now this grandma is TIRED!
What a blessing time! At last, cookie time with Grand dad and hugs from Nana!
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