Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sidewalk Chalk Treasure Hunt

I came home to some fantastic sidewalk chalk art. I was so excited! It said, "Treasure and a real $1000 bill."

So I did what anyone would do and followed the arrows.

The message says, "Please put money in this bag. . . . Oh I'm sorry someone all ready took it."

What a bummer! I thought it was just so cute and creative. I would love to know what goes on in passer's by heads as they read the first message. The last message is at the front of our door.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Training Wheels Come Off

April 2009, Adele just turned 7 and we have decided that it is time to loose the training wheels. The deal is, no new bike until she learns how to ride without the training wheels.
This means a sore back for daddy! But it will all be worth it in the end.

Adele doesn't quite have the hang of it yet... but she will.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Inquiring minds want to know. . .

. . .about tombs.

I picked Adele up from school today and she had a question. "Mom, you know when people die and people put their gloves on and dig a hole in the ground. Then they get put in a tomb. How do they write on the tomb?"

I explained about how you can go to a 'Monument Store' and then order what you would like the gravestone or tombstone to say and they will inscribe it with special tools and equipment. I told her next time I drive by one, I will point one out. Adele said, "You mean like R.I.P?" I said, "Yes, but there are many different choices like bible verses or favorite sayings along with a persons name and their born and death dates."

Adele told me that I shouldn't ask her why she thought of this question. I thought it was cute and I have an idea what inspired it. With this being the week of Easter, everyday they have been taking their Bibles and talking about the importance of Easter at school. I am sure the story came up about how Jesus was buried in a tomb.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday Snowy Day and Easter

I thought that last weekend was going to be our last snow so we would be all clear for Easter. It is tough to dress so "springy" with new Easter dresses and shoes and have to tromp through the snow.

Well, Mother Nature always keeps me guessing. For the record, we did receive snow on Palm Sunday. I thought we might miss it and was hoping it would stay north of us. The rain turned to snow around 9:30 this morning. We are supposed to get up to 3".

Hopefully the sun will be out this week and won't last long. Maybe this will be our last snow for the season!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday Adele

Adele is now a big 7! And she feels totally different than 6 if you ask her.

We had the girls from her class over to our house for a Hannah Montana birthday party.

It was so much fun. We had the concert playing for the first part of the party and then to a break for pizza.

Then they watched some of the Hannah Montana's sitcom (we have season 1 on dvd). They ate cake and ice cream and opened presents.

We had balloon popping races at the end. All the girls received Hannah t-shirts, lip gloss rings, tattoos, and stickers.

I did not realize how much noise a bunch of 1st grade girls can make especially when you throw Hannah Montana in the mix!

Spring Break in Mexico

We had a very relaxing fun time in Puerto Vallarta.

I think Adele would spend all day everyday at the pool if we let her. Paul's mom has this cool underwater camera so we were able to take some cool pics of her under the water.

We ate out quite a bit and made some meals in. Paul and Jim May went golfing once.

I took a bunch of books to read. We all just soaked up the sun and enjoyed the vacation and time off from work.